MyBB Profile Music Plugin

This plugin allow users to put their favorite song's link in their profile to play.


Multilanguage Support

Supports English and Turkish.

User Group Permissions

You can choose which group can add profile music.

User Permissions

You can block abusive users on Mod CP or Admin CP.

YouTube, SoundCloud and Hotlink Sound Support

Can play YouTube videos, SoundCloud contents and hotlink sound files. Each players using HTML5.


Plugin Settings:
You can activate autoplay, disable verifiers, SoundCloud, YouTube, hotlink sounds, deny non HTTPS URLs.

You can customize YouTube, SoundCloud, HTML5 players and profile music update fields. This templates can be find with prefix profilmuzigiek_ in Global Templates.


This feature checks whether the user's link is correct and reachable. Shows warning message to user if link is not incorrect or cannot reachable. SoundCloud and YouTube links are verifiying with oEmbed, but hotlink sound links are verifiying with audio tag which kind of MIME type.



You can find how to install, update and more info on Wiki.

GitHub Repository
MyBB Mods Page 

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